Why Is A Trampoline Bouncier When Wet? The Two Simple Theories

Why Is A Trampoline Bouncier When Wet?

There are two simple theories as to why trampolines are bouncier when they are wet. First, when you bounce on the wet mat, the water moves and cools the mat slightly. This makes the mat somewhat stiffer and less pliable than it is when it’s warm and dry, and it snaps you back with greater force. Second, the weight of the water on the mat is added to the weight of the jumper, making the downward force greater and the resulting “snap back” stronger and higher.

Can Fig Trees Survive Winter? Bringing Your Fig Tree Through The Cold Season

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Can fig trees survive winter? If you have a fig tree and are wondering about whether or not you can leave it outside during the winter without it dying, the short answer is “yes”. But the fleshed out, proper answer to “can fig trees survive winter” is that “it depends”. Take a look here at what you need to do in order to have your potted fig trees and planted fig trees survive the winter.

What Is Compost Good For? 5 Reasons Why Composting Is NOT A Waste Of Time

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What is compost good for? Compost is often known as “gardener’s gold” by those who faithfully collect, cure, and use it on their gardens. To many others, however, the idea of saving your kitchen and garden scraps to add to a rotting pile just seems like a smelly waste of time. Who is right? Is composting a waste of time? If it’s not, what is compost good for? What makes compost valuable? What can you do with it? Let’s take a look. Here are 5 reasons why composting is NOT a waste of time.

What Not To Compost: List of 39 Items That Are Better Trashed

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When you decide to start composting, it can be tricky at first to know what you can and can not add to your compost bin. You may find yourself googling specific times a fair bit, and that’s fine, but to save you time, here is a handy “what not to compost list” to help you out.

Get Your Bounce On: All Your Backyard Trampoline Questions Answered

Backyard Trampoline FAQS

If you are considering getting a trampoline for your family, there are things you need to consider before making the purchase. It’s a big addition to your backyard, and while trampolines can be exciting and fun, they can also be dangerous if not handled properly. As a parent and homeowner, you’ll need to do your due diligence, and so, here are 14 of the most popular trampoline FAQs asked and answered for you.