Trampoline Storage Hacks: Can You Safely Store It Upside Down?

Can you store your trampoline upside down? Winterize A Trampoline by flipping it over.

You can store a trampoline upside down for winter. However, you do need to remove some important parts, tarp it extremely well, and weigh it down. There are some key reasons why it’s not the BEST idea, but all things considered, yes, you can flip a trampoline over to protect it against winter storms.

Why Is A Trampoline Bouncier When Wet? The Two Simple Theories

Why Is A Trampoline Bouncier When Wet?

There are two simple theories as to why trampolines are bouncier when they are wet. First, when you bounce on the wet mat, the water moves and cools the mat slightly. This makes the mat somewhat stiffer and less pliable than it is when it’s warm and dry, and it snaps you back with greater force. Second, the weight of the water on the mat is added to the weight of the jumper, making the downward force greater and the resulting “snap back” stronger and higher.

Get Your Bounce On: All Your Backyard Trampoline Questions Answered

Backyard Trampoline FAQS

If you are considering getting a trampoline for your family, there are things you need to consider before making the purchase. It’s a big addition to your backyard, and while trampolines can be exciting and fun, they can also be dangerous if not handled properly. As a parent and homeowner, you’ll need to do your due diligence, and so, here are 14 of the most popular trampoline FAQs asked and answered for you.

Lifetime Products Geometric Dome Climber: Review & Compare With Other Metal Climbing Domes

Lifetime Geometric Dome Climber Play Center Review

Some kids are climbers from day one. As soon as they are on the move, they are found climbing everything and anything around them, safe or not. If your kids or grandkids fit into this group, the Lifetime Geometric Dome Climber Play Center is likely something that has caught your eye already. We’ll review it here today and see how it stacks up against other kids metal dome climbers.

Zupapa Trampoline Review (Upgraded in 2022 Model)

Zupapa Trampoline Review

A Zupapa trampoline is one of the most popular choices for parents looking to get a safe, good quality, mid price range backyard trampoline. Is it the BEST choice though? Find out what you need to know in this in depth review of the Zupapa trampolines.